Cognac is its own variety of brandy and it's named after Cognac, France. Charente and Charente-MaritimeIt are where it's produced and they are primarily known for their superb wine-growing.
Combining double-distilled white wine, copper stills, and the minimum aging process of 2 years you have will have your very own Cognac that are stored in French oak wooden barrels!
Here are our top brands below that sell the most but we have tons of other brands to choose from and we can assure you we have what you're looking for!

Since its founding in 1765, Hennessy has been guided by a passion to craft the world's finest cognacs – our drive to Never stop. Never settle.

The D'usse is smooth and controlled with a hint of fire in the alcohol on the back of the palate. The cognac has lovely aromas and flavors of dried fruits and wood. It lacks the complexity of better VSOP Cognacs.

E & J is an excellent brandy that goes down so smoothly. Whether it be in a mulled wine, or just in a glass with some ice, it's just so good and is so affordable.